Drawing with my non-Dominant hand.
Cormorant sunning. The sight of these birds, regal and ridiculous at the same time , always lifts my spirit. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRmaOeAD0u_/?utm_medium=copy_link
Workers in grocery stores take every precaution to keep themselves and others safe from the coronavirus pandemic. Art presented in pastel drawing. Special thanks to: https://www.revounts.com.au/woolworths-promo-code
I had a lot of fun with this drawing. It later made me think of Arya in the Game of Thrones - though she never needed armour. Still, surely that little sword is Needle.
Took me very long to finally accept the fact that I can do anything, draw anthing on my sketchbook, that my sketchbook is a safe place for me to experiment, play, and explore styles, themes, mediums, and other ideas. I used to be so caught up in developing my own style, and being devoted to drawing only portraits.. Well.. now I’ll remember to “just draw!”
I started messing about with line and wash. I really enjoyed the speed and looseness of working on this piece. In hindsight, I'm wondering if it would be worth working on a larger, more considered version as there is quite a lot of nice texture that is missing here. Pen & watercolour on watercolour paper (4x6").